Featuring the most absurd stories from Weather.com -- with a twist.

The Living Among the Dead: Flower Blooms in Time for Peak Zombie Wedding Season

Zombie wedding planners nation-wide are breathing(?) sighs of relief with the late blooming of the Stinky Corpse Flower, a flower Zombie Bridal Guide rated "Must-Have Living Accent" for summer zombie weddings in 2013.  Says the Guide: "Not everything has to be dead. Interspersing subtle living accents among decay will spice up your wedding day in a noticeable way."  

The article spurred a deluge of orders for the Stinky Corpse Flower from planners--orders that, until recently, could not be filled.  Typically the Stinky Corpse Flower can be smelled flowering in graveyards, battlefields, and secluded woodland areas starting in mid-June; this year the flowers popped up late in July, giving brides-to-be quite a scare. 

"I don't want to use the word 'bridezilla,' but we have had some pretty irritated brides," said Lana del Rey, popular musician who arranges zombie bridal bouquets in her spare time.  Del Rey was recently quoted in Rolling Stone Magazine about her role as florist in the growing business of zombie weddings: "It's something that's really important to me.  It gives me life to give life to these zombies who are starting their new lives together," said del Rey. "It's tragic and beautiful."

Download del Rey's new zombie wedding-inspired singles "Tragic and Beautiful" and "Born to Rot" on iTunes.  Order Stinky Corpse Flowers from www.ftd.com or visit your local funeral home's dumpster.

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