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No Longer Water Under The Bridge, Building's Grudge Escalates to Violence

In an unprecedented act of violence yesterday, a building hurled itself into a neighboring bridge. "I'm shocked," said a nearby road that wished to remain anonymous. "I know the building was really working through some hard stuff recently, and it seemed like it was on the right track." 

It's unclear what caused the radical shift in the building's attitude, though a streetlight suspects it became enraged when dozens of workers left the building to picnic on the bridge.

The two structures had butted heads the month before when the bridge was featured on a local news special highlighting superior architectural safety. "I don't get it," said the building in an interview following the airing of the episode. "I've never collapsed -- isn't that enough? What MORE do you want from me?!" The building and the bridge reportedly made up post-interview, but the grudge was never completely resolved.

Though no one was severely injured in the brawl, the building caused over $100,000 in damage and is now being sued by the bridge for emotional distress. Meanwhile, a restraining order on the building has already been put into effect by local officials.

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