Featuring the most absurd stories from Weather.com -- with a twist.

Gabby's Mom Has "A Bad Feeling" About Her Daughter's New Friends Group

"They just seem so...jaded," Gabrielle Stein's mother stated, when asked to pinpoint what it is about her daughter's friends that lead her to distrust them so deeply. "I want to know what they have hidden in those huge pants--and why their hair is so multicolored." Despite Gabby's insistence that her friends are "just really mature," Stein continues to worry that her daughter is "headed in the wrong direction."

City Erects Self-Tribute To Celebrate "Most Narcissistic Location on Earth" Win

Michelle Obama Launches Pica Awareness Campaign

A recent spike in eating disorders among young children has been linked to Michelle Obama's childhood obesity initiative.  Among disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa, instances of pica, a disorder in which a person ingests non-nutritive substances, have been most commonly cited.  This increase prompted First Lady Obama to launch her new pica awareness campaign, "Guess Who's Eating Dirt."  The webpage, currently under construction, at one time stated: "If we can identify who is eating dirt, we can take the first steps toward helping that person eat food instead.  But not too much food."