Featuring the most absurd stories from Weather.com -- with a twist.

Canoe Trip Falls Short

Canoeing enthusiast, Trey Marshall (33), stumbled on a waterfall--and lived to tell about it.  This past June, he and fellow outdoorsman Flip "Grizzly" Pyle (50) were canoeing on the Zambezi River when they felt the current picking up speed and heard "a loud roaring sound."  Before they had time to redirect their course, the two men found themselves plummeting down Victoria Falls.  Pyle and Marshall stood up to grip the edges of the canoe with white knuckles, attempting to remain in the upright position and bracing themselves for the impact of the 355 foot drop.  

When asked to relive the moments during which the two men were hurtling to their almost-certain deaths, Pyle briefly mentioned seeing snapshots of his life pass by.  He then shared: "I'll never forget what happened next--Trey tripped!"  

Marshall, whose impossible survival can only be explained as a miracle, reenacted the blunder: "I must have caught my foot on part of the canoe or something," he said, laughing heartily, "but I did, I totally lost my balance!"  Pyle, who also--incredibly--climbed out of the river unscathed, went on, giggling: "He was so embarrassed!  And I was just crackin' up, ya know?"  

After pretending to trip several times each, complete with sound effects like "Wh--wh--WHOOAA" and "I'm so CLUMSY!", the two agreed that the stumble was one for the ages and were only sorry it was not caught on camera for their other friends to see.

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